
Give participants the opportunity to listen to, discuss and network with investors. The program will be “reverse pitch” where the investors give insights from their perspective, followed by a networking & mingling sessions with the aim of initial dialogues between investors and startups.

Topics covered

  • The investors’ perspective 
  • Life science investment trends in the Nordics 
  • Networking


  • Investor 1 – Life science
  • Investor 2 – Health Tech
  • Investor 3 – Digital
  • Investor 4 – Bioindustrial
  • Panel discussion with questions
  • Mingling and networking


In person in Copenhagen (location TBD).

Course Instructor 

Hanne Mette D. Kristensen

Hanne Mette is course responsible. She has a track record both as CEO for several companies, has built three companies and started more, designed the Nordics’ first life science incubator, worked from investor and cluster side. Also worked as financial advisor at Innovation Norway, advising 130 + companies. She has many years of experience as a matchmaker between relevant companies and investors and can give insights from both sides of the table.

The Training Camp will also feature different investors form the life science industry.


Prerequisites for Joining

Only for startups enrolled in Life Science Academy for Startups.

This seminar is targeted at companies with prior knowledge, ready to start discussions with investors, but all companies are welcome to participate.