
During the training the participants will get a better understanding of why it is important with basic leadership and communication skills, and how this can be used to create a solid team. The participants will also gain some tips on how to build a supportive structure for their company. Sustainability and its role in relation to how to build a sustainable business will be included in the training camp. 

Topics covered

  • The basics of leadership and the importance of communication  
  • Creating a strong and healthy team 
  • Building a supportive structure 


  • The Basics of Leadership and the Importance of Communication 
    Leadership skills incl managing conflicts, communication skills, self-leadership, feedback culture and how to give feedback  
  • Follow up from day 1 
  • Creating a Strong and Healthy Team 
    Finding the right candidates, how to make the employees stay, working as a team and creating a good working atmosphere, identifying roles and responsibilities 
  • Building a Supportive Structure 
    How to be surrounded by relevant people, creating an advisory board 
    How to get the most out of the supportive structure 



The training will be a mix of lectures and workshops.

Course Instructor 

Eva Kelvås

Eva has been working in HR for over 25 years, in various branches and in specialist and senior executive roles. She has also been running a start-up within Life Science at an incubator.  Other colleagues from the SmiLe team will support the implementation of the training camps

Eva Klevås

Prerequisites for Joining

Only for startups enrolled in Life Science Academy for Startups.

All companies are welcome to participate.